digit diver forensics

Finding the truth in digital evidence.


digit diver is a professional digital forensics firm. We utilize the latest technology and industry-standard practices to analyze all forms of digital evidence and then present the results for your criminal or civil case. In short, if you need a computer, cellphone or similar data source examined for evidence, we can help.


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How much data are you missing?
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It’s no secret –  almost every aspect of our lives is digitally captured. From photos to phone calls, chats to cloud storage, email to Alexa (and Siri) – nearly everything we do is stored somewhere as data. Roughly 96% of American adults own a cellphone and another 74% own a desktop/laptop computer.* If you want to find out where someone was on a given date and time, or what they said to whom and when, you can probably find out by looking at their phone, computer or other data source. With so much of people’s lives on digital media, there’s a good chance you may be missing at least some of that data for your cases.

Most people understand that computers and cellphones hold vast amounts of good data, but not everyone understands just how valuable that data can be. Recovering just a single deleted emoji from a text message, for instance, might be the difference between conviction and acquittal.  This is where a professional digital forensics firm like digit diver can help find the data you may be missing.


services we offer

computer forensics

Computers hold vast amounts of information that can be crucial to just about any case imaginable. Computer forensics can help find that data "gold," potentially even if deleted.

mobile forensics

Mobile devices contain our lives on them. But they can also present challenges to obtaining that data. Fortunately we employ multiple cutting-edge solutions.

expert witness testimony

Cases involving electronic data can be complex. Our experience testifying in state and federal court can help guide your case.

cell site analysis

We can provide a thorough analysis of historical call records to map the approximate location of a cellphone at a given date and time. This can be vital tool for many cases.


Let us simplify the discovery process by helping you locate and manage electronic records (emails, scanned documents, etc.) that may be used in litigation.

Training & public speaking

Our law enforcement background and digital forensics experience give us a unique pedigree from which to speak.


According to Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary, forensics is defined as “relating to or dealing with the application of scientific knowledge to legal problems.” Digital forensics is then the application of computer knowledge to a legal problem. In the television series Quincy, M.E. (one of our favorites), Dr. Quincy was a medical doctor who applied his knowledge of medical science to solving crimes. This is not unlike what we and other digital forensic experts do – minus the blood and cadavers, of course. As digital forensics practitioners, we first identify, preserve and collect electronic data. We then analyze the data and later create a report of our findings, ensuring that we maintain a proper chain of custody throughout the process. Our methods and findings are done with the expectation that they will be rigorously examined in a court of law. We use our expertise of digital media to find the truth.

Quite simply, if any part of your case involves information on digital media, you can’t afford NOT to hire one. There are software and hardware solutions on the market that provide access to your data, but these generally have limited capabilities. With a digital forensics expert, you get a highly trained, skilled, experienced professional who will not only find the truth in the data but also testify in court. We use industry standard hardware and software solutions, and we are trained in the most up-to-date practices. You have a lot riding on your case. The stakes – be they large dollar amounts, reputation or freedom – are high. If these are important to you, it only makes sense to hire an expert.

Great question. Fortunately for you, there are many digital forensics professionals to choose from. And for the most part, many of us have received similar, excellent training from established organizations, and many of us have investigative experience in fascinating, complex cases. When looking to hire a digital forensics expert, we would encourage you to look at the person’s CV (curriculum vitae) for indications of competency through certifications, education and experience. But perhaps just as important, we would encourage you to ask former clients for impressions of the firm you plan to hire. You will likely find enough information to decide whether or not to hire that firm using these two resources. While our firm is relatively new, our principal consultant, Chris Harrington, has extensive experience working with attorneys and judges in criminal matters from the law enforcement side. As such, Chris has developed a solid reputation as a thorough, ethical, impartial expert in this field. All things considered, we are confident that our skills, experience and solid reputation will meet or exceed your expectations should you choose digit diver.

We accept all types of cases involving civil and/or criminal matters. Our services are available to law enforcement, corporations, prosecutors, plaintiffs and defense counsel. Our role in each case is that of an independent expert, not as an advocate for either side.

We can usually provide results to clients within 4-7 business days after collecting the digital evidence. The initial collection time will depend on the device storing the data, but is usually no more than a few hours. Collection time will be longer for large or slow devices or if the storage device is attached to a critical server that is in use and cannot be taken offline. In this case, we can perform a live acquisition without incurring any downtime to our client.  The time for us to complete the analysis and submit the results to our client will depend on the evidence being examined. Complex cases involving larger or multiple data sources will naturally take more time to properly examine.

Our rates are competitive with experts across the country, and maybe even under what they might charge, especially compared to large cities like New York City and Los Angeles. And if you are a small law enforcement agency or are able to demonstrate financial hardship, you may even qualify for pro bono services. Ask us for details.

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